Travis Moran

First Name: Travis
Surname: Moran
Nationality: Australian
gender: Male
Work Status: Casual
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Suit/Dress Size: 40
Chest: 97
Waist: 85
Height: 188
Hips: 107
Shoe Size: 11
Availability: Very Good
Travis has over 25 years performing experience as a 9 time Australian Irish Dance Champion and has achieved a 4th placing at the World Championships. He has spent 2 years traveling the World as a full time dancer in the “Gael-force Dance” Irish Dance troupe, as well as Australian and New Zealand tours with bands such as the Chieftans and singer Sarah McLachlan. Travis has experience working on many advertisements and t.v. shows including rush, city homicide, neighbours, offspring, and winners and losers, as well as being featured in an Etihad Medallion Club advertisement. In his spare time, Travis’ hobbies include playing competition tennis, swimming and getting outdoors.